Tri Chuckles...

humorEd. - We filched these jokes and images from other websites. The first epigram is especially funnilicious. At least we think so.

Shiny New Bike

A triathlete was walking around in town one day when his friend, another triathlete, rode up on an incredible shiny new bike. The first chap was stunned and asked, "Where did you get such a fantastic bike?" The friend replied, "Well, yesterday I was out running in the forest just minding my own business when this beautiful woman rode up to me on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want!" The first chap nodded approvingly, "Good choice. The clothes probably wouldn't have fitted you anyway."...

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Footprints on the Moon...

dave(Photo - Dave Scott winning some race in Hawaii back in the '80s. Dave's a totally cool and smart guy who has said may cool and smart and motivating things over the years. He may or may not have been the guy who said:

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Footprints on her Shoulders...

shouldersGoing Off Course - Coon Rapids triathlete Jill Ellenbecker has two bright and beautiful daughters. Abby is 8. Olivia is 10.

The girls are doomed. Doomed to be good citizens, true friends and dedicated to personal growth. And doomed to be good partners and parents, just like their mom and dad. One day their children will stand on their shoulders, just as they had stood on Jill's and John's.

Jill does not have an employer right now but she has a vitally important job. She's a Shoulder Provider. On the surface the job description includes chauffeuring and soccer momming and nutrition planning and playground monitoring; stuff like that.

Looking deeper we hear talking. Lots of talking. Sharing and guiding talking. And teaching and mentoring and providing safety.

It's enriching work for all involved. And it broadens and strengthens shoulders, making them easy for children to stand on....

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Car Keys in the Freezer & Peanut Butter Cheeseburgers...

tinaWARNING: Much of what you are about to read is highly exaggerated.

Going Off Course - Woodbury triathlete Tina Welzien forgets stuff.

We're not talking about Big Time forgetfulness here. She's never forgotten what town she lives in or her boyfriend's first name. That kind of stuff.

It's your basic "where-the-heck-did-I-put-my-car-keys" brand of forgetfulness that Tina is prone to. Silly, cute stuff. (Tina, your keys are in the freezer next to your copy of "A Prayer for Owen Meany," and your carton of now-liquid Cookies 'n Cream is on the bookshelf in your bedroom.)...

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Hot Flashes & Muffin Tops...

bag headBy Bonnie Nouterus

As a woman (yes, men, it

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