An Inignorable Sound...

brendon"Hey!" Brendon called in a controlled voice; neither too loud, nor too combative. He walked briskly toward the escaping vehicle.

The taxi driver, who was backing out of a space in the Cub parking lot, stopped and turned his face to his summoner.

Their eyes met.

"Did you throw that out your window," Brendon asked, the index finger of his left hand pointing to a discarded Caribou Coffee container that lay on the striped asphalt. His tone remained non-threatening.

"No I didn't," the taxi driver lied...

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Kate is #1!....Again!

kateMTN robustly congratulates Chaska's Katharine Lowrey, 15, on her second consecutive #1 USAT Youth Elite National Ranking. In the three National Youth Elite Series events this season she placed 1st at State Games of the West in Colorado Springs, 3rd at the Flatland Tri Festival in Des Moines, and 4th at the National YE Champs in San Diego, amassing 1138 points, a 30-point advantage over runner-up Hannah Rae Finchamp of California.

In three Minnesota races this season she finished 2nd overall! at Chaska (Jr. CR), 10th overall at Minneman (Jr. CR) and 2nd at Manitou Youth Elite....

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Bonnie's Unbagged ZZZZZ...


(Photo: Not the kind of REMs that Bonnie needs.)

By Bonnie Remlacker -

"The Executive Triathlete Exercise Desk 3000, shaped to accompany your bike trainer and yet allow you to work as if sitting at your office desk. Extra water bottle holders included. Just set up your bike and get your training done as you work!" That was the thought I had as my coach told me, "Oh, and be sure to get plenty of sleep!"

Here's a snap shot of my current daily life schedule:...

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Cool Miracle Kids Stuff...



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A Great Letter...

emmersonHey MTN:

During the Tri-Night 2009 awards celebration last September, I was one of the embarrassed few who could not raise a hand to the important question raised by one of the presenters: "How many of you volunteered at a race this year?" This immediately sunk in and I became determined to make sure I would be able to answer in the affirmative in 2010. With this in mind, earlier this year I registered to volunteer at the upcoming 2010 Ironman Wisconsin event (my wife and I will be wetsuit strippers and medal distributors). Even though I was only planning on one volunteer stint this season (at IMW), I'm happy to report that I will now have at least two.

You see, earlier this week, my entire family caught some sort of fever bug and we were sick as dogs for a few days. Even though I felt almost 100% by the end of this week, I decided that it would be best to not race, so I relinquished my spot ..

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