Race Coverage

Weekend Stuff...

gretaWeekend Stuff - David Thompson finished an impressive 4th this morning at the New York City Triathlon. MTN also congratulates Greta Simpson (photo) on her 4th place finish at the Pardeeville Triathlon (WI) on Saturday.

Though results are not posted as yet, we will cover Saturday's 29-year-old Elysian Triathlon tomorrow. FYI, Olympian / 3-time Minneapolis Triathlon winner Sarah Haskins was there. Guess who won?

We have no idea what happened at the Balaton FunFest Triathlon on Saturday. Do you? If so, fill us in, okay?

Hangin' With Uncle Randy...


Race Coverage - Uncle Randy's newest multi, the ZTRI, took place on the shore of picturesque

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Megan Has Four Cats & Eats Pizza...

megan(All photos displayed herein are by Matt Fulton / MinnefotaMoments.com. Matt is a totally good guy. He's Randy's brother, you know.)

By Alan Rench

Race Coverage - You may have heard that Megan Rocker was the women's champion at last Saturday's 4th annual Du at the Dam. Even if you didn't, most of you know that she's a pretty darn good multisporter. She placed 7th at Oakdale, in case you weren't aware.

But what do we REALLY know about Megan (photo L)?

If you really want to get to know someone, you need to visit their Facebook page, where you can find out what rock bands and TV shows they prefer or if they agree with us that "Bridesmaids" was a total hoot and that Kristin Wiig is kinda hot in addition to being a brilliant comic actress and writer.

We digress....

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"I Wasn't Even Drunk Yet".....

applesApple Duathlon Report (Blogged on June 23)

By Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

I'm behind schedule again. Weird, I know. I've actually raced twice since my last update: Apple Duathlon and Trinona Triathlon. This one will cover Apple. I'll write up Trinona at some unspecified later date. It may be out of order since the annual Lake Waconia throwdown is tomorrow and I'll probably write about that one while it's still fresh.

The Pre-Race Jams

Stabbing the Drama by Soilwork. This is like the Chipotle steak burrito of metal records. Sure, you could go to some little hole in the wall mom and pop Mexican joint on ....

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Cheap Burgers & High Wattage....

RUNTrinona and Minneman Recaps

By Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.blogspot.com)

Three weeks ago I raced at Trinona for the first time. It was a great time. Their race slogan is

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Fast Times & Forestation....

dktRace Coverage - Guys! NEVER try the "flying mount," okay?

Sure, David Thompson (GREAT photo L) can do 'em, but he's a professional and has spent many mandatory weeks taking special classes, during which he had to wear an industrial-strength jockstrap. These classes were always supervised by highly-skilled doctors with specialized degrees in Sports Groinocology.

Besides, guys, your jewels, which you need if you want to continue to be dudes, are already compromised by years of bike pants constriction. Don't add unnecessary injury to your current state of inguinal insult....

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