Race Coverage

Big Du-ings in Orono...

mankao folks(Chris Crocker photo - Some Mankato Multisport Club guys and girls who made the trek to Orono last Sunday.)

Race Coverage - What kind of race was Sunday's 20th annual Gear West Duathlon?

It was a fast and furious one. Super competitive and super fun despite weather that, according to Race Director Kevin O'Connor, "would have sucked if this were a triathlon, but was just fine (misting, mid 50s, breezy) for a du." ...

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A Season's Worth of Calamities....

danBy Dan Chies

I'm not sure there could be a worse season debut race. Been training hard, prepping for 3 early sprints, Chisago half, and IM Wisconsin, feeling great, and finally ready to let the dog off the chain at Albert Lea after 5 months of training in the gym and home pain cave...


Swim: I consider myself a strong swimmer, first pack at worst, and positioned myself as such. It was 10seconds before the gun when I realized I hadn't put Body Glide on my already-chafed neck. Whoops. Figured there'd be a little jostling like usual....

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Weekend Headlines...SLIGHTLY UPDATED...

jen(Photo - Two-time Land Between the Lakes champ, Jen Neuman.)

Race Coverage - At home and away, Minnesota triathletes totally rocked socks on Sunday. Here are some highlights, starting with the in-state stuff.



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A Totally Awesome New Race...

gretaRace Coverage - Jeff Grebner is a really, really nice guy. Tall, too. And he has a lovely wife and probably some kids and a dog.

But this stuff had noting to do with why the MTN Guys predicted that Jeff would win yesterday's Blaine Triathlon, a totally awesome first-time event.

We thought Jeff would win because he's a great athlete. AND because he's DUE.

When he came off the bike yesterday, it sure looked like his time had come. His lead was substantial.

At mile three of the 3.5-mile run, another guy who had yet to win his first multi, overtook Greb. He was running like a banshee....

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A Winner's Words...

scottyOakdale Duathlon Race Report

By Scott Penticoff

What a day we all had at Oakdale Duathlon! It was so good to be back racing, and really pushing the heart rate to a place it hadn

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Pepperoni Girl, Zebra Socks & Broken Records...

lydia(Photo - Lydia Novotny, a girl, a dog and the shadow of the guy who's taking the picture.)

Oakdale Du Coverage - Susan Ward is married to triathlete Emmerson Ward, who happens to be one of the 3-4 most handsome guys in the upper Midwest. When asked how she felt about this, she responded with a question of her own: "Well, how do you think HE feels about being married to one of the 3-4 most beautiful women in the upper Midwest?"

Great answer, huh!

Susan is very pretty. And she really liked "Bridesmaids," believing fervently that Kristin Wiig is a comic genius (She sooooo is!), and pizza with "mushrooms, black olives and a couple of pepperonis." Ah come on, Sue! Stop feeling guilty about LOVING pepperoni. Admit it. When...

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