Race Coverage

Cool Weekend Stuff...

scotty* OAKDALE DU XI - Scotty Penticoff totally rocked, Suzi Fox totally rolled, Susan Ward got totally hooked & Lydia Novotny got major style points for her bodacious compression socks. Records fell on a perfect Saturday for racing at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Story and photos on Tuesday. RESULTS

* CENTRAL LAKES CYCLE I - Local star David Jensen picked up his 2nd multisport victory in as many starts this season on Saturday at the new and unique CLC Bike-Run-Bike. He was joined in the Winners Circle by Alexndria's Angie Johnson. Ang outraced all the girls in all three phases of the competition and had the 3rd fastest opening bike split. Only the top two dudes--Jensen and Grand Rapids' Alan Dettmer had brisker rides. The event drew 70 participants. RESULTS

* Scurvy News:

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Hardness & Funness...

devonRev 3 Knoxville

By Devon Palmer

Posted on May 9, 2012 (http://palmertri.wordpress.com/2012/05/09/rev-3-knoxville/)

Race Report - Two weeks ago I raced the Falls Duathlon here in Minnesota as a little warmup for my first pro race of the year in Knoxville. The duathlon was fine. My Gear West Bike and Tri teammate Chad Millner was eager to three peat and it would have been rude for me to get in the way. He got enough of a gap the first run that it took over half the bike to catch him and my gap off the bike wasn

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One For the Record Books...

waterBy April Morgan

Race Report - When the MTN Guys first asked me to share my Ironman St. George story with the rest of you, I was still trying to soak in all that had taken place on this epic record breaking day! As I write this, still traumatized and tired from race day I

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Something About Being Home...

olePhoto - Big Ole. He hangs-out in Alexandria, Minnesota.

ED. In addition to being a very talented triathlete, Ang, aka "Hopper," is a hoot. Her mind works in a spacey sort of stream-of-consciousy way. Unsurprisingly, that is also how she writes. We totally enjoyed her words. We know you will, too.

By Angie Hop

COLT Race Report - I woke up late; of course, I sleep poorly, except when I

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Thick Hair, Pink Pants & a Very Tall Guy...

nordicaRace Coverage - Nordica Stocker (photo L) is very pretty and has really thick hair. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Did you also know that her favorite color is orange? And that she unashamedly watches the "Real Housewives of (fill in name of city here)" and is really sad because Amy Winehouse died? (FYI, We are, too!)

And did you know that she won her first multisport race last Saturday?

And she did so with panache....

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Ruthie's Epic Effort...

ruthie(Photo - Ruth Brennan Morrey - Alone and in a class by herself.)

Race Coverage - The 5th annual Cinco du Mayo Long Course Duathlon, contested at Square Lake last Saturday morning, featured record attendance (300ish total entrants in both events, including the requisite no-shows / 251 finishers), a Shaq-tall guy in a sombrero, Casa Lupita tacos, Margarita glasses as awards and brilliant performances.

An oatmeal ceiling of clouds, light to moderate breeziness and 50-degree temps greeted the athletes, as did the aforementioned tall guy in the ridiculous, albeit ridiculously cool, hat. The guy was co-race-director Jason Goepfert, a terminally likable chap. His lovely, smiley wife, Lisa, was also clad in a sombrero and, like Jason, wore a sinister-looking bandito mustache, which was fake, of course. All that was missing, and perhaps this can be added in 2013, were ...

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