Race Coverage

Wanting to go to There...

hudsonRace Preview - Isn't that a great picture? It's an aerial view of picturesque Hudson, Wisconsin. Doesn't looking at this photo make you want to say, as the super tinasmart and milk-shooting-out-your-nose funny and kinda hot Tina Fey (photo) of 30 Rock fame has so often, "I want to go to there"?

Hudson is an especially great "there" to go to for triathletes this Sunday, when the 8th edition of the totally cool St. Croix Valley International Triathlon will be staged at scenic Waterfront Park, which you can almost see in the picture, but not quite because of all the trees...

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Energy & Rewards...


l & j(Photo L- R: Maple Grove Triathlon co-directors Lindsey and Jeannette. Don't you love their matching outfits!)

The Dare to Tri directors reflect on their first race.

Amazed. Humbled. Excited, Energized are the words I think of when I think of Dare to TRI this past Saturday. From the hardworking enthusiastic volunteers to the athletes who set goals we were able to watch them complete it was an overall perfect day in my opinion! None of it could have been possible with out the huge support of the Maple Grove community, our families and friends. We are so thankful to have been able to showcase our little corner of the city in a positive active lifestyle light. Congratulations to all involved! We look forward to seeing you next year!

Jeanette Neumann, Race Director

"You decided to start a Triathlon? How?" 'Tis the question we heard much throughout the year. The answer really is a simple "yes" (of course with much heartfelt passion behind it). Our quest to the finish line was a bit different than our participating athletes featuring proposals, late-night laptop sessions,..

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Like a Good Novel...

crashRace Coverage - By Steph Alcivar

The Murphy Duathlon is a great introduction into off-road multi-sport events for the seasoned triathlete. The run course is quite challenging, serving as a great test of strength and high-output endurance on those never-ending hills. And the bike course is a great entry-level trail that has enough variety and flow to keep the advanced rider entertained. Running being my worst discipline, I was off to an early lag-behind; itching to get out on the bike ASAP.

The Murphy-Hanrehan bike course is like a good novel. (For a less metaphorical description, check out the details on the MORC website.) The initial prairie section is an easy introduction that gets you hooked into the storyline. The next section is somewhat tight and twisty, disrupting the

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Stars of Weekend Past...



With a super race weekend behind us, it's fun to reflect on the stellar performances which took place. The stars were too numerous to, well, enumerate...

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Quicksand Death, Chicken Hats & Frog Kissing...

kissMuddy Buddy Stuff - By Bonnie Froschkussen

If you've ever been caught in a rip-tide or an undertow, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about....

Two Sundays ago my friend Matt and I decided to go to Afton Alps to do some mountain biking to shake up our tri training. We were pretty impressed with the size of the mountain biking enthusiast crowd- somewhere in the neighborhood of 900 people were sporting bikes. As we headed toward one of the trail heads we also noticed that half the people there were wearing some sort of Halloween costume to include large objects taped to the top of their helmets such as chickens and boats. A very odd crowd indeed... I heard my name being called out from the midst of a throng of mountain bikers at the base of a trail and so I waded into the crowd to find some friends within the huddle. They seemed a bit..

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Finding Hidden Victories...

proposalGraniteman Events co-founder/co-director Bill Corcoran is a great guy. And a pretty darn good triathlete, too. In the un-photoshopped pic here he is proposing to the totally beautiful Heather, who could barely hear her fiance-to-be's gaspy words--Bill had just finished the Square Lake Half--because she was listening to AC/DC ("Highway to Hell") on her iPod. Bill and Heather are now blissfully married. Bill submitted this wonderful story:

MTN - Here is my race recap from the Baxter race as well as a little flavor and history about the struggle prior to and during the race. Keep in mind, I am not a writer, so feel free to scrap the whole thing as necessary. Thanks! - Bill Corcoran

Since 2004, I have had the pleasure of using this great sport we call triathlon to heal both my outer and inner wounds. After going through a tough divorce, triathlon gave me a healthy way to deal with the ever so difficult challenges that life brought me. The long workouts gave me time to pray,..

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