Race Coverage

Good Reviews & Future Plans...



ED. Coverage of the Buffalo Triathlon and New Bri Tri is coming sooon.


By Doobie Kurus


The first ever SWIM-off to Summer open water challenge was held on Saturday, June 1st, and was hosted by the Hopkins Royal Triathlon and Hopkins Masters Swim group. This event featured some of the top triathletes and swimmers from all over the state (plus Iowa and Massachusetts). There were also many casual competitors that (believe it or not) just like to swim. The favorable weather forecast leading up to SWIM-off not only warmed up the lake to a comfortable 66 degrees, but also warmed up people to the idea of signing up, as the field sold out with a cap of 150 registrants. The Triathletes outnumbered the Swimmers 2 to 1, but that didn't seem to deter the Swimmers....

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"I Knew It Was Going to be a Good Day"...


By Tom Elliot (sctimes.com)


SARTELL — With his attention focused on the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii, Ryan Giuliano (photo) wanted to have a better duathlon experience on which to build.

Giuliano, 35, had a disappointing finish at the Duathlon Nationals, not running his best in the April race in Greenville, South Carolina....

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Another World Championship Medal For Sheri!



By Sheri Shrock


RACE REPORT - I earned Silver at the ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships in Pontevedra Spain, and I owe it to this team: Dave who ALWAYS encourages me, Coach @LeandaCave who trains me to be the best I can be, @OtsoCycles who set me up with the sweetest mountain bike in the world, Chris Balser who fits my bikes to perfection, massage therapist Linda Stram who says, “Go ahead, if you wreck it, I’ll fix it!” Emilio DeSoto who customized my wetsuit and rushed it to me before Worlds, @JanetSoule and Cliff Millemann who mentored me before this race, @SomerSchrock and Amanda Kautzer who invite me to ride with them. 
I also earned 5th Place at Aquabike Worlds on my Cervelo P5 and I owe thanks to Cronometro for it’s performance....

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Syvertson Sets Record....Updated...


TINMAN TRIATHLON - SPENCER SYVERTSON, pronounced "See-vert-son," not "Sigh-vert-son," contacted the MTN Guys last week. He was curious about the Morris Tinman's Sprint men's course record. We did some digging and reported that the CR - 1:04:33 was set back in 2014 by South Dakotan CRAIG HARRISON.

Despite facing ferocious winds this morning, Syvertson managed to blow the doors off the Sprint record, taking it down by 3:10. The 22-year-old Paynesvillian is a Minnesota State grad and is a good friend of JAKE BRAAM, who is a very cool guy, He also has really good pull-up form (top photo).

Placing 2nd after Spencer was elite junior JACK HENNEN, 18, of Cambridge, whose 1:07:59 torched the junior course record by 7:40. We'd be surprised if Jack didn't garner a Junior of the Year nomination at season's-end. Jack is quite tall, has really good hair and looks great in collarless shirts (photo below R)....

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Running For Fun...


By Kristina Swenson (kristinaswenson.wixsite.com)


"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." ~Oprah Winfrey

While I do triathlons and would call myself a triathlete above all else, running seems to be the sport I talk about most. It's the sport I struggle the most with, but it's also the sport I think I have the most to gain in both physically and mentally. Maybe that's why it's easiest to talk about.
Yesterday (May 7) I ran my third half-marathon. It was a pretty spur of the moment decision... I was talking to my friend Rose no more than two weeks ago when she told me she was doing a race this weekend. Inside my head I immediately thought, "I should do that with her!" I then immediately shut that idea down, thinking that I couldn't just sign up for a half-marathon less than 14 days from the actual race with no focused...

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"...A Breakthrough is Coming"...


ED. From Dent, Minnesota, Keeghan was our state's Rookie of the Year in 2017. He is now a sophomore pro and lives in Cedar City, Utah.


By Keeghan Hurley


This post is a little late but I wanted to keep everyone updated on how the Saint Anthony’s race went. I first have to say thank you to our host family who welcomed us into their home for 6 days and went above and beyond anyone could have imaged. Carolyn Kiper and her husband (Tim) are outstanding individuals who are the most gracious people I have ever met. They made the trip so enjoyable and the time in Tampa better than I could have dreamed of.

I also have to applaud Saint Anthony’s triathlon and all the people that make this race happen. It’s the most professional race I have ever been to. They have it so down and the hospitality and genuine love for the sport is second to none, this race will become a staple event for me and always be on the schedule....

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