Race Coverage

Hounds & High Hopes...

heather-dog.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Austin 70.3 Race Report - Going into Austin I was pretty nervous. After an awesome result in Vegas I had high hopes for this race.   The start list was a much deeper field than I expected for a lower point/$ race but I guess there are a lot of ladies that want a head start on next year.  Typically you can count on a few people not showing up race day but only a couple key players dropped out so I knew I’d have to have a stellar day to have a chance at another podium.

Race morning was chilly, about 45 degrees with a strong wind off the lake. I had five layers on and was still a bit cold.  Transition was a mud pit. Austin had major flooding the two weeks prior and it rained the day before so there wasn’t much grass left. I walked through transition trying to pick out the path from the lake that would have the smallest probability of me doing some mud slip and slide in T1.  I finished my gear prep and per usual Lendway style I headed down to the lake about 15 minutes before race start to pull my wetsuit on.  Since the sun was just rising I decided to break out a new pair of reflective Blueseventy Nero Race goggles – they were perfectly clear.


* Water temp was about 69 which was perfect wet suit weather. I warmed up quickly and knew right away I’d feel warm enough heading out on the bike.
* The ladies took off two minutes after the men. I went out a bit harder than usual to make sure I’d be in the lead or on the feet of the leader. READ MORE

Heather Rocks in Texas. Gwen Undefeated in 2015...

dan-b-kona.gifLENDWAY ROCKS AGAIN - First year pro HEATHER LENDWAY followed up her 2nd place finish at Silverman 70.3 with an impressive 4th last Sunday at Austin 70.3. Leading after the swim (25:05), she then turned in the 4th fastest women's bike split (2:33:59). She followed those efforts with a PR for the half marathon, a 1:27:39! Her total time was 4:30:38, 6:50 behind the winner, Jeanni Seymour of South Africa, whose win was a breakout effort and almost nine minutes faster here than her 2014 clocking.

Heather probably made some money but we don't know how much. She'll be blogging about her race in the near future and we'll repost her report.

Another Minnesotan, albeit a recent transplant for Iowa, also performed admirably in Austin. We're talking about former US Athlete of the Year (2007) DANIEL BRETSCHER (photo), now of Northfield, who placed 7th against a very deep men's field. Daniel's time was 4:03:46. RESULTS ...

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The Best and the Worst...

RBM-KONA.gifTriJuice.com / Nick Morales Photo


By Ruth Brennan Morrey (ruthbrennanmorrey.com)

The 2015 Ironman World Championship race in Kailua-Kona on October 10, 2015 was the greatest personal test. Rolled into one, for different reasons, it was the best and the worst race of my life. Never before have I felt so strong, so ready, so eager, so fit, so mentally prepared for a race I knew in advance would be a self-inflicted battle. This thorough preparation was a prerequisite, however, not an exception—this was the world championships—pro or age grouper, everyone had put everything into this day and all were ready.


As a Kona pro rookie, the “talk” about the race difficulty put the endeavor into a tidy perspective package instilling both fear and respect in the weeks and months leading up. Typically a negative connotation, “fear” in my mind, was a positive attribute, preparing a strong athlete, mostly mentally, for the extreme and erratic conditions of fierce winds, volcanic “vog”, dense humidity, and furnace-like heat....

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Metro Tri Series Party!

enlarged-logo.gifWe hope to see you at the METRO TRI SERIES party!LTD-Brew.gif


When:  Sunday, October 25

Time:  5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Where:  LTD Brewing in Hopkins - 8 8th Ave. N.

Info:  Free Event (Beer & Soda for sale); Free Snackies

Big Dogs & Podiums....

HL-LAKE-MEAD.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Silverman 70.3 Race Report - After racing Penticton Half at the end of August I decided I wasn’t ready to be done racing for the year. I researched my 70.3 options and landed on Silverman in Henderson, Nevada, neighboring Las Vegas. I figured the week before Kona some big names might not be racing, but I think everyone had the same idea. The start list was stacked with over 40 female pros set to race. After researching the names I didn’t know I figured I’d be lucky to come in top 5. As race day approached the start list shrunk a bit (per usual) but there were still plenty of top athletes remaining.

Race morning my alarm went off at 3:45. I was up and moving quickly as I needed to stop over at transition in town to drop off my nutrition and get my gear setup in T2. After the first stop my Dad and I drove the 30 minutes out to Lake Mead where the swim and T1 were located. It was a beautiful morning, mid 70’s with the weather predicted to be low 90’s and windy. Upon arriving I went straight to the bike...

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Surviving Kona...

Kristin-Queen-K.gifBy Kristin Gustafson (from Facebook)

Hawaii Ironman Race Report - It will definitely be a day that I will remember forever. Here is a little recap of the race…

I was a little nervous about the swim after I looked at the weather and there was a ‘high surf warning’ the night before. It turned out to be a great swim. I was shooting for around 1:20 so I was happy with my time. I survived my first mass start and was actually not that bad. It is so fun to swim with the fishes in the clear ocean. The salt water does not like my skin though as I chaffed pretty bad even though I put a bottle of Body Glide on!

I definitely felt the heat, humidity, and the wind on the bike. I had a few technical difficulties though. On mile 44 my pad on my tri bars flew off. Seriously who does that happen to?! I rode like this for almost 20 miles and finally found the bike support on the course. They decided to duct tape it with a towel as it was cutting into my arm. So happy they fixed it, but probably cost me way too...

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