Race Coverage

Third Time's A Charm...

matt-and-neil.gifLakes to Pines for a third time. (LTP)
By Matt Dickenson
RACE REPORT - Leading up the Saturday I really had no intentions of racing in Park Rapids.  My friend’s wife Ellen Thomes (wife of very tall Dave Thomes) was going to be racing her very first triathlon.  This is a super fun, fast race.  It feels so different when you’re there, maybe that’s because they limit the participants to 100.  I have a spot in my heart for Lakes to Pines, as it was my very first triathlon back in 2011.  Not to mention it supports the high school swim team and I get to see my buds to the North in the Headwaters tri club.  On that cold day in May 2011, it was 41 degrees raining/sleeting.  My first thought was “what am I doing here?  I played football, basketball, and baseball my whole life now I plan to swim bike run”.  I woke up this morning at 4:41 a.m. 19 minutes before my alarm so I was like what the heck I am up.  I looked out the...

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A Grand Moment...

RUTH-TAPE.gifFirst 70.3 Professional Win After a Punch of Trust

By Ruth Brennan Morrey

Lifting the tape in first position on June 8th to win the 2014 Ironman 70.3 Kansas was a grand moment—my first pro win against some world-class competitors. Perfect training build, perfect taper, perfect weather, and perfect execution made for a flawless day. Leading up, I had a strange premonition that Kansas 70.3 would be a cracker of a race! Pre-race text messages and conversations with husband, coach, and friends included calm, confident, and convincing phrases like, “Definitely ready for great things”, “Taper coming at a perfect time”, “I have a really good feeling about this one”, and “For some reason, I know this will be a great race”.

So, what was so different about this one? My intuition was primarily stemming from overall body ‘feel’. Completing training sessions is certainly different than feeling the effects of training sessions, and at the beginning of the Kansas taper, my body felt appropriately and perfectly exhausted. I told a few people that my body felt quite similar to the training effects/fatigue I experienced before a great race at Panama 70.3 in February.  The build also included two local yet highly competitive short course duathlons—Gear West and Apple—in which we decided I would ‘train through’ which was an atypical move. My long course legs were perturbed when I cranked up the intensity at these races, but I managed bike splits not far off from the top pro men, and as a result, confidence in my bike fitness accompanied me to Kansas....

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Evolving Plans...

kortney-run.gifBy Kortney Haag (kortneyhaag.blogspot.com)

Monday, June 3, 2014 - Change in plans -I just got done racing the Buffalo Olympic triathlon and it was fun but cold. If anyone knows me they know that I like it the hotter the better! Race officials said the water temperature was 66 degrees but not sure about that one - it felt pretty cold to me! I had a solid race but had a mechanical issue on the bike that probably cost me about 90 seconds which is quite a bit of time but I ended up 3rd overall. Swim went as well as expected and being so cold I never felt like I could really get into a groove. I camped out way too long in T2 putting on gloves, arm warmers--you name it! I knew I would be chilled so I wanted to make sure I could stay as warm as I could. The run was where I was pleasnatly surprised - I ran decent considering I am fighting some glute/hammie issues. I struggled with this last year but it is working its was out....

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Last Weekend's Results...

steph-and-hollie.gif- FAIRMONT TRIATHLON - Stephanie Peterson (photo L) won her ancestral hometown's sprint triathlon for the 4th consecutive year last Saturday. Finishing 7th overall in a field of 60 finishers, Peterson, who is a total sweetheart, outraced her nearest challenge, Hollie Beckford (also in photo) by 4:16.

As usual, the Fairmont Olympic race was won in convincing fashion by David Holden (1:55:22). Bronze medalist Mario Minelli will file a race report later this week. RESULTS

- HIGH CLIFF HALF IM - Rochester's Veronica Bond finished 9th last Saturday at beautiful High Cliff State Park on Lake Winnebago, which is humongous, in Sherwood, Wisconsin. One of our region's most challenging halves--only two women, one a first-tier pro (Jessica Jacob's won Ironman Wisconsin and Ironman Florida in 2011. Her time at Florida was 8:55), broke five hours on that cool, windy morning. Bond's time was 5:13:15. The men's half was won by Life Time Fitness Triathlon Coach and totally nice guy, ...

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A Race Worth Several Thousand Words...

calteton-runner.gifAuthor's Note: this article has been written with broad-ranging artistic licenses. All such licenses are possessed by the author, and may be produced if legally compelled to do so. As such, the details in this article have not been verified by the author or any other party. The reader is advised that the words below are written only as the author's best recollection of the events, and may not be taken as sworn testimony.

By A Guy or a Gal from Northfield, probably a student at Carleton.


June 5th, 2014 – The venue was packed with 65,000 cheering fans (or was it 65? 6.5?) to witness the 2014 running of the Carleton Triathlon, in Northfield, MN. Conditions were perfect, mostly sunny with little wind and temps in the mid-sixties. But the focus was not on the beautiful weather, nor the toned bodies of the competitors, but on one simple question: “Could anyone unseat the dominant champions of this event?” ...

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The Day After...

jon-and-cheryl.gifED. Jon Zitur sent us this "Semi Race Report:"

Hi MTN Guys,

I promised you a race report on our race the day after Liberty Tri, and I figured I should make due on my promise.  The first ever Zitur Sufferfest was held the day after Liberty at the same exact course and had a total of two participants. Unfortunately, after standing in the rain and getting completely ready for the race, my mom (Cheryl Zitur) and I decided with her accident prone nature and my inability to adjust my “just hammer it” attitude for weather conditions, that maybe it would be better to pass on this race.  My mom is training for the Age Group Worlds competition in Edmonton and I’m training for Ironman Wisconsin, so we wanted to play it safe.  After feeling down and not wanting to waste a good taper, we decided to race the exact course on Sunday instead; in 70-degree sunny weather.

Race morning was a bit quieter than most other races.  Instead of being surrounded by other triathletes frantically organizing their transition space, we were accompanied by the port-o-potty employees picking up the leftovers from yesterday’s race.  The race was delayed when our swim...

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