Race Previews

Footballs & Shirtless Guys...

doobie-haigh-five.gifThe 15th annual ST. CROIX VALLEY TRIATHLONS in Hudson, Wisconsin, and the 2nd annual HOPKINS ROYALS TRI are slated for next Saturday. They are the only races of the weekend, so we certainly hope that you'll be supporting one of them, as either a participant, volunteer or spectator.

The Hopkin's event was founded by, and is directed by, Doobie Kurus (photo L), who is an awesome dude. Do you know him? He's the guy who carries a football, Adrian Peterson-style replete with Stiff Arm etc., across the finish line of the events he races in. The first time you see this you wonder if Doobie forgot to take his meds, or conversely, that he over-self-medicated. After that, though, you just think it's cool, because it is....

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Happy "Lycra" Anniversary...

lakes-co-swim.gifLAKES COUNTRY TRIATHLON PREVIEW - If you can believe it, this race will celebrate its 16th anniversary next Sunday. In case you didn't know, there are special terms for the first 15 anniversaries, and for the 20th, 25th, 50th etc. Last year, the Lakes Country event celebrated it's "Crystal" anniversary.

It's a shame that the official anniversary namers didn't give year number-16 a special name, so we will.

The Lakes Country Tri will celebrate its "Lycra" anniversary on Sunday.

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Payne Train Heading For Duluth...

boat-leaper.gifSUPERIOR MAN PREVIEW - We predict that a plethora of records will fall at next Sunday's Superior Man, the 2013 and 2014 Minnesota Race of the Year.


The exisiting records are soft, and for good reason. Hot, humid conditions, unprecedently so in 2013, influenced the first two years of the event. Last year, the swim courses needed to be abbreviated. The 70.3 became a 69.9, and the 41.5 was a 41.3.

So, it's going to be exciting to see how things unfold on Sunday. FYI, the current weather forecast is for a sunny day with temps ranging from 59 to 79 degrees and light winds. Of course, that will change. The American and European weather models haven't been too accurate this year, have they?

It's time to go with the "Central American Model."

What is that? ...

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Two Great Races to Choose from...

MG_SwimsStart1.gifLIFE TIME TRI - MAPLE GROVE & WASECA 1/3 & SPRINT - Finally!

Finally, a reasonably scheduled weekend, the kind of weekend that doesn't spread the participant base too thin. Minnesota athletes had fifteen races races to choose from in the last two weeks. This weekend there are only two races: the iconic Life Time Tri - Maple Grove on Saturday, and the Diamond-in-the-Rough Waseca 1/3 and Sprint on Sunday.

Last year, the Maple Grove event was the best attended of the Life Tme Minnesota Series. Current enrollment seems to be in the same ballpark as Minneapolis, i.e. 1400-1500 race day entrants. Love those numbers and hoping this demonstrates the beginnings of a "bounce back" in our sport...

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Stellar Field Set for Big Pig XVIII...Updated...

kort-win-pig.gif18th Annual PIGMAN HALF - The MTN Guys nearly soiled ourselves when we looked at next weekend's Big Pig start list. It will arguably be the most competitive Pigman ever. Here's a few of the names on the Elite roster:


David Thompson (P - MN) - 9 x Pigman Champ. A win would be the 100th of his storied career. (photo on page 2.)

Daniel Bretscher (P - IA) - 2007 US Athlete of the Year

Tom Gerlach (P -WI) - Successful long course veteran

Eric Engel (WI) - Reigning Toughman Minnesota champion

Kevin O'Connor (MN) - Reigning Pigman Masters CR-holder. PR - 4:02 (MN State amateur Half IM record)...


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Another Busy Weekend Ahead...


This weekend's racing schedule is as insane as last week's. There are seven events for the Minnesota triathlete to choose from, if you'll excuse our ending a phrase with a preposition....

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