Race Previews
Oakdale Preview
Sunday, 16 May 2010 13:17
The 9th annual Oakdale Duathlon will be staged at Lake Elmo Park Reserve on Saturday. It's a great event at a great venue. A field of 500+ participants is anticipated. A glance at the start list reveals that the field will be formidable. Overall course records will definitely be in jeopardy if the weather isn't extreme. And several AG marks could fall, as well.
Dropping names is fun and the Minnesota multi scene has more than its share droppable monikers. For giggles, let's do some name droppage here. We offer the following observations and predictions, which when coupled with $1.89 will get you a Grande Tanzanian Peaberry at Starbucks...
Name Change & Sauerkraut Pizza...
Tuesday, 04 May 2010 02:57
The "Powers that Be" at Gustavus Adolphus College have instructed the organizers of what used to be known as the Gustie Triathlon to change the name of their event. Legal stuff. The race, the umpteenth edition of which is this Saturday (May 8), will "hereafter be known forthwith" (cool legal talk) as the "Take the Hill Triathlon." As the name hints, the bike course is not as flat as a pool table.
Cinco Du Mayo Preview: Make a Day of It...
Tuesday, 04 May 2010 02:52
There are many good reasons to do the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon at beautiful Square Lake this Saturday. Here's three: Great course, Casa Lupita Tacos and hanging around the area after the race.2010-05-06
On the last point--hanging out--we suggest lunch and drinkies in one of Stillwater's fine eateries or drinkeries or a stop in Marine on St. Croix, which ha s a totally cool General Store, appropriately named "General Store" and an ice cream shop called Village Scoop.
Colt Preview...
Friday, 30 April 2010 09:00
The 8th annual Chain of Lakes Triathlon will be staged on Saturday, May 1. MTN's Darin Wieneke asked COLT Race Director Mark Storhaug a few questions about his race, which happens to be the Tri Minnesota Series' kickoff event.
MS - None. Any key racing or safety tips that you would like to share with participants? (i.e. particular corner to be wary of, hill to expect, wave conditions, etc...)
1. Could you give us a little history on your race? (i.e. when started, why started, changes in venue/courses over the year, charities involved, etc...)
MS - The COLT was started in 2001 by Alexandria biking enthusiasts that had gotten involved in Pickle Series triathlons. Charities included the Alex Swim Club and Lakes Area Recreation, both provide programming for youth in the area.
Falls Du Preview...Great Venue & Coffee Too...
Friday, 30 April 2010 08:26
The 2nd annual Falls Duathlon will be contested on Saturday (May 1) at Cannon Falls' beauteous Hannah's Bend Park. Sign-ups have significantly surpassed last year's and registration will remain open until shortly before race time. Weather should be accommodating with morning temps around 60 degrees. Yes, there's a small chance of rain (30%) statewide this weekend, but let's assume that we won't see any wet stuff until later in the day, if at all.
MSU Triathlon - Lady Gaga & Little Debbies...
Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:55
Via E-mail, MSU Intramural Triathlon's exuberant Director Jennifer Myers tells us about her 6-year old resurrected event. Sunday's race is full.
Dear MTN Readers,
Our triathlon is a great first timer triathlon! Every year I get a range of people; some bike at 25 miles per hour and some ride their brother