Race Previews
Successful Defenses and Chimichangas...
Friday, 21 May 2010 07:51
(Photo: Comic actor, Andy Samberg looks a lot like Sam Janicki. Sorta. They kinda have the same haircut. We didn't have a picture of Sam. Sorry.)
The 6th Land Between the Lakes, a.k.a. the Albert Lea Triathlon, will be contested this Sunday and close to 200 participants are expected.
On the competitive side, we expect 2009 champs Matt Payne and Brooke Larsen to repeat. On paper, Larson, winner at COLT three weeks ago, appears to be the clear favorite.
Girls Stuff
Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:51
See that really skinny limb up there? That's the one. We're going to climb out onto it.
It's time to make some really bold out-on-a-limb predictions about the women's race at Sunday's Gear West Duathlon. As always, we're doing this for chuckles and fully expect to be wrong.
The Boys Are Back in Town
Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:48
It's fun to prognosticate. And it's fun to be right.
But it's even more fun to be wrong!
Being wrong typically demonstrates that the status quo is being shaken up. This is good for the sport and the Minnesota scene. A recent example of our being blissfully wrong was when we predicted that Steve Sander would win the Chain of Lakes Triathlon. Steve had a good race but was beaten by upstart Sam Janicki, a youngster whose previous results were sub-stellar. But young guys (and gals) sometimes make quantum improvements. Sam sure did.
Racing For Ribs and Other Stuff
Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:39
There are four multisport events scheduled for this weekend--the inaugural Green Lake Duathlon and 3rd edition Faribault Family Fun Days Triathlon on Saturday, and the 6th Albert Lea Triathlon and the gazillionth annual Gear West Du, which kicks off the 12th (can you believe it?) season of Midwest Multisport Series racing. A combined 900 -1000 athletes are currently registered for these events, which means that there is plenty of room on these starting lines for additional participants. We recommend that you visit each race's website to learn more about what they have to offer and to find out if registration will remain open until race day. FFFD, GLD, GWD, ALT (The Albert Lea Tri will be previewed on Friday)
Faribault Family Fun Triathlon Stuff...
Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:36
Is it pronounced "Fair-Rib-Bow?" Or "Fair-Rib-Balt?" Never figured that one out.
Whether you pronounce it "Frenchly" or "Anglicany," Faribault, Minnesota, is a totally cool town with lots of great stuff to see, do and consume.
It is also the home of the Faribault Family Fun Triathlon, an event that is celebrating it's 3rd anniversary on Saturday, May 22. What do we know about this event? Only what we can learn from visiting it's webpage and the fact that it's in a totally cool town, one that is well worth visiting. Our point is this, check out the race, then check out the town. Our guess is that you'll be glad you did.
Lakes to Pines Stuff
Sunday, 16 May 2010 13:36
The 3rd annual Lakes To Pines Triathlon in Park Rapids will be held this Saturday. We believe the event is still accepting registrations. WEBSITE
We don't know much about this event, other than that it is small, friendly and staged in a beautiful rural setting. Don't you love small town races? We do. Some of our state's best events are held in or near wonderful little towns, e.g. Northoods in Nevis, Lake Waconia in Waconia, Green Lake Tri and Du in Spicer, just to name a few. And we love to explore the community and environs after the event. Don't you?