Race Previews

Apple Kicks Off 2021 Season...


The 2021 Minnesota Multisport Season gets underway on Saturday, May 22 with our state's oldest race, the SARTELL APPLE DUATHLON. This iconic 38-year-old event is arguably our country's premier non-championship run-bike-run.

In our last post, we shared some historical performance data on the OAKDALE SPRING CLASSIC DUATHLON, which shares the opening weekend (May 23) with Apple. Here are the names and times of those who set the performance standards at Apple: ...

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2021 Season Openers - Duathlon Weekend...


It's time to get serious. Racing plans need to be made, at least tentatively. Outdoor training is happening and vaccinations for all are on the horizon. So, start thinking about knocking off some on rust season opener weekend, where you have the choice to either race on May 22 (Saturday) at the APPLE, our state's oldest multisport event, or on the 23rd (Sunday) at the OAKDALE SPRING CLASSIC DUATHLON at Lake Elmo Park Reserve.

Or both?

The May duathlons are awesome prep for tri season, which get underway two weeks down the road. But in between on June 2 is the Hopkins OPEN H20 CHALLENGE, which is produced by the smae folks that bring you the HOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON, a multiple Race of the Year Winner....

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Oakdale Fall Classic: Season Finale...


OAKDALE FALL CLASSIC DUATHLON - The final multisport event of the abbreviated 2020 season will happen next Sunday. Approximately 100 athletes are expected and weather is should be accommodating, with temps in the mid-50s at start and low 60s when the final duathlete crosses the finish line....

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Thanks Uncle Randy!


SQUARE LAKE SHORT COURSE - Twenty-one years ago, Uncle Randy  decided that he was going to broaden his race production company. Running and walking events were the staples of his business then and he wanted to add multisport races. Triathlon was very popular and he wanted to get in on the action.

Additionally, he saw an opportunity to extend the brief Minnesota triathlon season, which at that time ended with Lakes Country in late-August.

The venue he selected for his first triathlon was stunningly beautiful Square Lake Park and its rolling, rural environs. Excitedly, he showed this site to the Midwest Events Guys who shared his enthusiasm. (He also shared his vision with another running company, Final Stretch, who would also expand into tris and dus and fill out and extend Minnesota's swim-bike-run and run-bike-run season.) In early September 2001, the first Square Lake Short Course race was born....

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Square Lake 70.3 Preve....


SQUARE LAKE 70.3 PREVIEW - The 3rd edition of this version of this storied event that was inaugurated 19-years ago is happening this Saturday. Entrants can still sign up, but unfortunately, COVID-19 precautions mandate that spectators stay away. Bummer, huh? The MTN Guys have only missed one prior edition of this super-challenging event and we are going to need to be medicated next weekend so as not to succumb to what used to be known as "The Vapors."  ...

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Graniteman Clearwater XI Preview...


GRANITEMAN CLEARWATER SPRINT XI PREVIEW - The success of the G-Man Big Lake Tri was clearly demonstrated in the days that followed the race. A huge percentage of its participants, wanting to duplicate the experience, enrolled in the Clearwater race. Big Lake drew more than 300 participants. Clearwater will field similar numbers.

Very cool.

Before we talk about some of the returnees, we are going to tell you about a very special athlete that was not  at Big Lake, but will be racing at Clearwater. She is a Duluth mother of three. Her name is SHYANNE MCGREGOR (photo L), and she is our pick to not only win on Sunday, but lower NICOLE HEININGER's stout course record 1:09:49, set in 2014.

McGregor had only raced in six prior triathlons, three in 2018, three last year. Her first four efforts were solid, though not quite the kind that portended stardom. Her last two efforts, though, not only portended stardom, they demonstrated it...

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