Race Coverage

Nothing to be Disappointed About...Plus Results Linkage......


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Bike Lifting...


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Tough Day in Weasel Town...

weaselBy Brian Maas (http://tundrat-zone.blogspot.com)

Central Lakes Cycle Race Report -

Overall winner Dave Jensen had double duty. One of the second leg bikers for a relay team did not show, so after completing the individual event, Dave was able to bike the second leg....a second time! And the following day, Dave was scheduled to depart for California where he begins a cross country bike trip to Georgia, hoping to complete the 2500 mile journey in 15-20 days time....

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Weekend Stuff...

mallorcaRUTHER NEWS - It's quiz time. Here's your question: What is a Mallorca?

A. A Mediterranean fish

B. The silly pants worn by bull fighters.

C. A cool island that is part of Spain.

D. The Spanish version of the Latvian term, "Kavorka," meaning male irresistability. (Kramer had "The Kavorka.")

The answer is C. Mallorca, or "Majorca," is pronounced "My-Yorka," and is a popular tourist destination. It is a large Mediterranean island off the eastern coast of Spain. It is the site of a popular 70.3 race, appropriately named Ironman 70.3 Mallorca. This year's event was staged last Saturday and Rochester's Ruth Brennan Morrey, Minnesota's Female Triathlete of the Year in 2012, was...

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Booger Winter....

tom(Photo - Tom Couillard and a totally cool bike.)

Oakdale Duathlon - The winter of 2013 is hanging on like a tenacious booger. You know, the kind that won't let go of your finger no matter how fast you shake it or how many times you try to flick it off. Finally, you're forced to wipe it on something. So if you get tenacious boogs we suggest that you carry Kleenex. That way you won't have to wipe them on clothing or furniture or under your car seat.

We digress.

The morning of May 11 was pretty to look at, but thanks to the extended "Booger Winter,"it didn't feel so good. Temps were in the low 40s, but the 20+ mph winds made it feel much colder.

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Frozen Stumps & Lukewarm Beer...

feetbeerBy Dan Chies

Take the Hill Race Report - 88 masochistic idiots raced in Saint Peter last weekend...

A frozen time was had by all at the Gustavus-TTHTri on Saturday. Low 30's, 15-20mph wind, and a spatter of rain. T1 took 5 minutes so we could dry off and put our snowpants on. First sip of water on the bike cracked the ice in the water bottle. At T2, hopped off the bike so I...

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