Race Coverage

Rattlesnakes & Waiting For Brownies...

dianeBy Diane Hankee

I chose to do the upcoming IM Texas because we have family right near the Woodland

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Weekend Racing Stuff...UPDATED...

logoCOLT Pre-Coverage - In a landmark study at Morningwood Academy, it was proven that yucky weather can have an adverse effect on performance. This may or may not have been proven true yesterday in Alexandria at the 12th annual Chain of Lakes Triathlon. On Tuesday, we hope, former Alex-ian Angie Hop, who may or may not have won yesterday, will file a race report that could suggest that the race-day weather in her ancestral hometown totally sucked. It should be noted here that it is possible to have fun at races that are contested in crummy weather. Ang will probably comment on that. She may mention that a guy whose name rhymes with Strarcus Momberg may or may not have also repeated as champion and whether she did or did not "Shoot the Minnow" on race eve. COLT RESULTS

Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon - It didn't snow and temps maxed out at a balmy 37 degrees. The 180ish of the 250ish pre-registered athletes that made the trek out to Square Lake learned that a race doesn't have to be poopy just because the weather is. It was a day for dressing in layers,...

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No Tree Fiddy!

bite the pillowNew Orleans 70.3 - Race Report

By Matthew Payne (mathew-payne.blogspot.com)

Holy crap, tri season really sneaked up on me this year. Since my DNF disaster at Vegas last September my head really hasn't been in the game. Training-wise I managed to string together a few 25,000+ yard weeks of swimming back in November/December, but then my shoulder blew up, taking me out of the pool altogether for a couple weeks and sharply limiting my volume thereafter. And then I got the flu in mid-January, which took me completely out of action for about a week and a half and felt like it took a solid month to really recover from. Our ass-tastic neverending Minnesota winter didn't exactly help things either.

Luckily everything started to come around by about mid-March and I started to feel more like my old self again. Next thing you know it's last Friday and I'm pulling the old Ordu down off of the hooks in the garage ceiling for literally the first time since September, only to immediately disassemble it and stuff it in a bag for a Saturday...

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Fun in the Sunshine State...

claire(Photo - This great shot of chronic smiler, Claire Bootsma, was taken by either Paul Phillips or Nick Morales. Check out their cool St. Anthony's Triathlon slide slow at triathlon.competitor.com.)

Race Coverage - It's fun to

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Slinkies on a Staircase...

brian(Chad May Photo -Fall's Du runner-up Brian Sames.)

Falls Duathlon Coverage - Records tumbled at the fifth annual Falls Duathlon last Saturday like Slinkies on a staircase. If you can think of a better simile, pretend that we used it here, okay?

Great weather may have had something to do with why the times were so fast.

It started with Devon Palmer, who is sporting the "Scruffy-But-Not-Quite-Homeless" look these days. He bracketed his signature bullet-fast bike split with un-signature-isticly brisk run splits, which he totally needed to do because his closest pursuers, 2012 Rookie of the Year runner-up, Brian Sames, which is pronounced "psalm-us," not "saymes," and three-time Falls winner Chad Millner, are fleet afoot guys....

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Ben's First Race of 2013...

benED. Ben Ewers is a three-time Minnesota Grand Master of the Year.

LEADMAN 125 EPIC MARQUEE, first TRI of 2013 season (Race day account)

By Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

Yesterday (4/14/13) I raced the Leadman 125, hosted by Lifetime Fitness. Tempe Town Lake, Lifetime, and Red Rock Racing hosted a whole weekend series of races starting with the Collegiate Draft Legal Championships on Friday, the Collegiate non-drafting Championships on Saturday, and three triathlons run concurrently on Sunday (a Sprint, Olympic distance, and the 125K). Amazingly, Red Rock and Lifetime pulled off a very excellent Tri Festival, especially challenging as it took place in an urban setting.

The 125K race is an attempt to host an equivalent to a half Ironman that doesn't leave you with as much of a post-race hangover. Consequently it has a slightly longer swim (2.5K), longer bike (109.5K), and shorter run (13K) compared to a half Ironman. The theory is that it's the run that leaves the most post-race hangover. It takes about the same total time to complete. Judging from how I feel this...

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