Race Coverage

Life Time SLP Indoor Triathlon...


Life Time Fitness Indoor Triathlons - Life Time's five winter indoor races happened last Sunday. Anxiously, we scoured the results to learn if the events are growing. The first race we looked at was St. Louis Park, which had 82 finishers, a slight increase from 2018....

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Fun and Fancy Glasses....


YWCA Indoor Tri Series #1 - The 2019 indoor tri season was launched last Sunday at the Midtown YWCA. The event boasted a record 72 finishers, 10 more than 2017 record-breaking numbers for the January event. Cool Beans.

A glance at athlinks.com revealed that a significant percentage of the entrants were avid runners with little or no outdoor triathlon experience. We'd love to see more indoor tri-ers make the transition.

We reached out to a few of the participants, asking them to comment on their experience. KAITLIN RANDOLPH (photo), overall winner of the Sprint tri (500 yd - 5 mile - 2 mile) who is a devoted cat lover, former track runner at Carleton College and a very nice person, had this to say: 

This was my first indoor tri, and I had a blast. The volunteers and other participants were incredibly supportive and welcoming, and I’ll certainly be back for more.

We asked her if she had done any prior tris: 

I did a couple student-run outdoor triathlons back in college (for Carleton and St Olaf), but none post-college. Hopefully I’ll have the courage to take that step one of these years! ...

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By Nikki Dostert Sudberry


Norpine Fat Bike Classic Race Report - ❄️Somewhere between the start of this race, riding the mashed potato snow and the flat tire just before the finish, this ginger had a fucking melt down. Yup, full on; toddler style. But this one included the word “fuck” about 100 times. Some loud yelling. Kicking the snow and then falling in it, stripping off my kit and more yelling. Then as I sat there feeling defeated I started laughing. THIS is why not everyone races fat bikes.
This race is a fun and hard race. But depending on the weather it can make it harder. And that’s why we do it. This race tested everyone physically and mentally.
After my “ginger-snap” session and my hours pleading with God I approach the last km of my race with my flat tire. I decided not to change it with less than a mile left as it was faster to run with it. #cxskills ....

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"I Need a Hug More Than Anything"....


By Branden Scheel (bscheeltri.com)


Ironman Arizona Race Report - Sunday morning we woke up knowing it was going to be a big day. Alexa and I met my mom and sister down in the lobby at 4:45am and headed out to the venue. We arrived in great time and were off to check gear bags with the rest of the Stallworths by 5:15. After getting all of our special needs bags set and all nutrition put into the right areas, we headed to the bikes to get everything race-ready. Tires were pumped up, nutrition was set, power meters calibrated, it was time to go! We went to the Smile Train tent for warm-up and to see family before heading to the start. After a quick snack and some warm-up, we gave the loved ones a hug goodbye and Alexa, Ayla, and I headed to the swim.

Ayla and Alexa are great swimmers so they weaved in and out of people to the front of the swim start. I had been improving steadily on the swim so I went with them hoping to stay on Alexa’s feet for as long as possible. After the...

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"...Redline From the Start."...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)


Terror Trot 10K Race Report - For some reason I thought it would be a really good idea to hop into a 10k a week into a really hard month-long bike block. Turns out, one: it was super fun in a more-painful-than-IM way. Two: it maybe wasn’t the best idea but yolo?! And three: it meant hanging out and running with a couple Coeur Sports teammates, and I couldn’t pass that up!

The race itself – the Terror Trot – was small and low key (most Twin Citians were probably running the Monster Dash). So low key, in fact, that when the RD yelled GO!, it took a couple seconds to register that the race was starting! 

It was redline from the start, as I settled into sub-7 pace – a pace I wasn’t sure I could hold since running’s been minimal with zero speed or tempo work since IMMT. But the first three miles ticked by quickly and felt good, so I figured I’d try holding it for the...

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Brainerd Triathlete / Ultrarunner Completes Moab 240...


By Mike Aulie (Brainerddispatch.com)

By almost anyone's definition, Julie Moulton is crazy.
The Brainerd High School graduate has taken her passion for ultra-trail running to the ultimate level. From Oct. 12-16, she completed the Moab 240 Endurance Run, a 238.3-mile, five-day foot race through some of Utah's most beautiful and challenging terrain....

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