Race Coverage

Fueling My Fire....


By Paige Schulz (therightfits.com)


Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Hi Everyone!....I wrote a guest post for this site last year sharing my running through pregnancy and the start of my return-to-running postpartum, (re-read that post HERE!) Remember how I ended being first female overall during the Ironman Wisconsin Friends and Family 5K at only six-weeks postpartum? Well, that turned out to just be the beginning of my Ironman success and apparently it lit a flame to complete an actual Ironman. Well, it happened on September 9, 2018!

Below is my race recap for Ironman Wisconsin 2018!


Goal: 1:15 on a good day, 1:20 otherwise

Actual: 1:14:36 (1:45/100yds) 22/61 in age group. Very middle of the pack pace! ...

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Ted Wins Again!


TED TREISE did not set a 70.3 personal best yesterday in toasty Waco, Texas. But he might have, had the swim not been canceled. His 3:37:34 over the 69.1 mile distance put him more than two minutes ahead of rest of the men's amateur field. Had he gotten his pro card, which he will likely get in 2019, he would have finished 14th among the 23 professional men who went the distance. 

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Family Support, Espresso Love Gu & Mike's Immortal Words...


By Emma Adriaens (triad.triadriaens.com)


Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Before I launch into my version of events, I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who made this day possible for me: my coach, who never gives up on my crazy self; my husband, who is always there for me, checks all my gear, and makes all my food - literally could not have made it this far without your unwavering support; to my parents who devote their entire summer to following us around to all our different races, and are such devoted support crew that they never even question any of our decisions, they just get in the car and are prepared for whatever we throw at them; and to my bestie Kaitlyn and her husband Alex for always making the trek out to all the races they can; and to everyone in my tri support crew - you all have touched my life in ways I can't explain, but I'm beyond grateful that you did. Your support is beyond appreciated.

Ironman Wisconsin was the perfect way to cap off my 2018 triathlon season. It offers such a remarkable course that is lined with dedicated volunteers and spectators. What more could you want than a whole day of running around in lycra with people shouting how amazing you are, and getting handed free food? Only hearing "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" from the man, the myth, the legend - Mike Reilly. That's what....

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Beware of the Pool and the Bike...


By Jason Erdahl


It’s 1:20a and my heart is too full to sleep.

My body is battered but not broken. Today I am an Ironman.

On June 3rd at mile 90 or so of the FANS 24 hour race I broke my foot and my mind reeled with thoughts of a lost year. I sat through the FANS awards ceremony in shock, fighting back the tears (unsuccessfully) for my lost year while everyone was congratulating me on my “finish” and all I wanted to do was scream at them that the only “finish” was for my year. No running. No companionship that comes with running. No fitness. A return of the 100 pounds that I worked so hard to lose. I was completely shattered. I left the awards ceremony early so I could put my “brave face” away.

When the MRI confirmed what I feared, I put on that brave face on as the kind nurse secured the boot on my foot and the doctor talked about the next 6-8 weeks. I thought about how bravely my friends had faced their running injuries and desperately searched for something I could do.

A great friend loaned me a run buoy so I could run in the pool and I reached my absolute lowest point: it hurt to do this, and the doc warned if it hurt, I couldn’t do it. Even this one simple thing was beyond me. Out of frustration I went to lane 1 and started swimming laps. Oh, if I only knew then what this simple decision would bring me to....

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"...It's Never Goodbye."....


By Simone Lundquist (sisterswhotriblog.com)


Sometimes I like to think that someday I’m going to have a future where my triathlon season never ends. It’s the fantasy of waking up every single morning and getting to train and continue to compete as my job, but for right now it’s still a dream in the making. Every year I have to say, “See you later,” to a sport that I really love and something that brings me so much joy which seems to get harder every single year. All I want to do is keep improving and working harder, but it’s always nice to know that there’s another year and another season. Although it seems far away until the next competition, there is always something to work on in the off season, and there is always something that keeps you motivated throughout the year. One thing that I know for sure is that it’s never goodbye.

Triathlons basically take up my entire summer as our family tries to fit in at least 10 in a year. It’s my only focus and priority for the summer, but as the school year comes along I have to balance a start to a cross country season and an end to a triathlon season. I don’t get to have the entire focus that I usually get in the beginning of the year for my last races, but I still try to fit in time to train for them between practice and school. With the business of the school year I had not thought much about my last race going into the weekend. There was a little bit of worry in my head because I did not get as much time for biking and swimming as I would have liked, and I also did not mentally prepare like I usually get to in the summer. I also thought of these disadvantages as advantages because even though I had not biked in a while maybe that meant my legs would feel fresh, and even though I didn’t focus on the race the day before maybe that meant I wouldn’t stress as much. With everything spinning through my mind I tried not to worry or stress so I just pushed all of my thoughts aside....

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"Mom, We Did It......"



By Ted Treise (venturetri.com)


Wow! This race is one I’ll remember forever. At Ironman 70.3 Augusta, I took the overall male win. After many years of training, sunny days, nights on the trainer, setbacks, and everything in between, we have done it. With this race win, in 2019 I’ll be able to qualify for my professional license in the sport of triathlon.
I’ve started on this journey 6 years ago and it’s hard to believe this moment has arrived but I could not be more thankful for everyone that has gotten me here today. I’ve learned things from so many people that we’d be here for a few days if I thank them all; whether that was the proper pedal stroke, hydration osmolality, journaling, enjoying the journey, proper nutrition, being present, swimming, not training until you fall apart, and many other things. It has all helped me greatly and I hope someone can learn from my trials and tribulations as I move forward on this adventure. Below you’ll find a long post regarding the play by play of the race. If you have any questions or recommendations, please reach out! I’d be pumped to hear from anyone who reads this...

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