Race Coverage

Cute Couples & Fast Masters....


Photo - T-Man winners / totally cute couple Jordan Roby and Christina Roberts.

TIMBERMAN XXX - On the eve of Minnesota's Premier Destination Triathlon, four-time Timberman Sprint champ TARA MAKINEN commented on the quality of the women's field that she was about to face. In effect, she said she could have her best performance ever and not finish any higher than 8th. As one who thrives on competition and self-improvement, she added that she would be totally happy with that result.

It was true. The T-Man Sprint's women's field was arguably it's deepest in the three-plus decades that the race has been in existence. In the end, though, Makinen did not finish 8th. She placed 7th, and her time was 1:06:35, making her one of an unprecedented nine women to crack 1:10. 

Leading the way for the second straight year was BETTINA KEPPERS, whose winning time was 1:04:58, a mere one second off her 2016 course record. Her margin of victory over runner-up and two time sprint winner, JODY QUESNELL, was 45 seconds. Racing as a USAT 50-year-old, Jody's time was a divisional CR.

Finishing less than one-tenth of a second behind Quesnell was Canadian athlete (and total sweetheart!) KAYLA KJELLMAN. She's a nurse in Thunder Bay and has a new boyfriend.

Also rocking a divisional record was former JOY nominee, KAYTLIN GARRISON, 19. She placed 4th overall in 1:06:05. This was her third consecutive junior title at T-Man Sprint.

The men's sprint was won for the seventh time in the last eight years by ADAM HIMES, a decordated nordic skier who does one tri a tyear. This one. Happy with his sub- 1 hour (58:36) victory, Adam was actually more pleased with the performance turned-in by his 17-year-old son, SAM, who was making his tri debut. Sam finished 6th overall (2nd junior) in 1:02:21.

Also making the podium was JOSHUA KEMP, 18, whose placed in the Top 5 here in each of the last three years, and 2017 Minnesota Junior of the Year MITCHELL CLAYTON, 20....

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By Ted Treise (venturetri.com)


Madison 70.3 Race Report - Finally! I got my Chattanooga spot. We had one chance to get this right with the qualifying cut-off coming up fast in addition to factoring in recovery time it takes from doing these crazy races. I am happy to report I was 1st place in the U24 field, and 16thoverall, securing my spot at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Chattanooga, TN.  In Madison on race day, the temp was a muggy 80s, the roads kept one on their toes, and the run was deceivingly hard. Let’s hope this race report is nothing less than a steamer.

The Lead-Up

After Long Course Worlds in Miami, I took some time off to not do triathlon stuff? I traveled to NYC for a week, but mostly this time ended up with me swimming, planning this year, and learning how to make a website from YouTube Videos.  What great success on my goal for an off season break from things all tri, eh? Throughout this time, I ran and biked very little....

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Going Through All of the Emotions...


By Corey Nygaard (runcoreyrun.blogspot.com)


Ironman Boulder Race Report - 


Driving from Minnesota to Boulder, Co with my sister this weekend to race 140.6 miles, was a trip I will never forget. It would be the chance to see if the months of preparation and training would pay off. 1,000 miles of driving later we arrive at our home stay for the weekend, which was fantastic. Thank you Brad and Kayde for allowing us to stay in your home for the weekend, so grateful for your hospitality. We stayed about 20 miles from the race venue, which is a solid distance to cover, especially when it takes an hour to travel that far here! Being here 10 months ago, I sort of remembered how to get around... Sort of.


PRE RACE:   ....

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One-Eyed Biking...



By Jenn Scudiero (from Facebook)


Duathlon Nationals Mini-Race Report - As my vacation here in Oregon comes to an end, I've been trying to figure out how to summarize my race at the Duathlon National Championships. It's hard to put some things to words, but I'll give it my best shot. If nothing else, this picture does a pretty good job...

Last year's race was only a few weeks after my accident, so finishing was a physical and mental struggle. I was determined to come back and tackle the tough course with a healthy body. This year was the same tough course and even better competition. I finished 6th overall and 3rd in my age group. It was such an amazing experience to come back feeling and racing strong....

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Sometimes Your Fears Are in Your Head...


By Julia Weisbecker (juia-gobiggreen.blogspot.com)

Liberty Race Report - Saturday June 10 was the Liberty OLY. I have done this race umpteen times. I have raced the half iron distance in rain, hail, sleet, and high 40 deg temps. Not fun. I Remember running 13.1 miles on calves that were so cold, that my legs were literally trashed for 2 weeks after. Not fun....

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Nate & Nicole Keep Winning...


Photo (L-R) - Jordan, Christina, Nathan, Julie


LAKE WACONIA XXVIII - If the season ended today, one of the frontrunners for Female Triathlete of the Year would be NICOLE HEININGER. (The other would be DANI VSETECKA.) Nicole has won three of the five races she's entered thus far, and placed 2nd and 4th in the other two.

Nicole's most recent victory was recorded last Sunday at Lake Waconia, where a monster bike split sealed the deal. She was cresting Cemetary Hill on foot before her closest challenger, DIANE HANKEE entered T2. 

Heininger kept pushing. She didn't let up. When she crossed the finish line she had more than two minutes to recover befor Hankee, who, in deja vu fashion, was relentlessly pursued by CHRISTINA ROBERTS. In the end, Hankee's margin over Roberts was only nine seconds. (In 2016, Diane's margin was 11 seconds.)

Exciting stuff.

The win was the 12th of Heininger's young career, and her 2nd at the LWT. She also was victorious here in 2014.

Fourth place was earned by two-time LWT winner SUZIE FOX. Fifth was taken by 58-year-old JAN GUENTHER, who's 1:32:58 was nothing short of superhero-ish; the AG performance of the day, hands down....

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