Race Coverage


andrea_and_T.pngBy Andrea Tremaine (minneandreapolis.wordpress.com)

I did it. I finished my first outdoor triathlon season, and it flew by like the blink of an eye. It’s sad to be done, but I’m looking forward to mixing up my training a bit over the fall and winter months. Sure, I’ll miss racing triathlon, but I’ll just have to choose different forms of racing to satisfy the competitive spirit in me.

I learned a lot about myself throughout the course of the summer, and if I were to go deeper into what triathlon means to me and how it has transformed me, it would end up boring everyone. So I’ll take a different approach and share some of the sillier triathlon reflections, or tri-flections.


1.) Don’t expect to get a good night’s sleep the night before a triathlon. The night before the YWCA Women’s Tri, I just couldn’t...

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Capable of More...

9_superior.pngBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Superior Man Race Report - After Toughman’s bike disaster, I really wanted to race one more time before Kona. Mentally, I needed a confidence booster, rather than going into my A race a little shaky and, honestly, kinda questioning my abilities. So, once we found a great deal on a hotel downtown Duluth, I signed up (the week of!) for one of Minnesota’s favorite triathlons – Superior Man 70.3. My only hesitation: jumping off a boat into a bay of Lake Superior (because I’m a wimp when it comes to cold, and for the...

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Painfully Amazing....

manuela_medal.pngBy Manuela Knispel

Zofingen Long Course Duathlon World Championships Race Report - Zofingen kept all his promises of being the toughest duathlon in the word. It was by far the most painful and amazing race I have ever done. Here comes a little bit of a long post how it has been for me...It is a 10km run, a 150km bike and a 30km run that does sound hard but put that in the Swiss mountains and it becomes a whole new dimension. Honestly, I forgot all about the first run, the 700ft of up and downhill on mostly mountain trail went smooth and comfortable (in 41min but it's actually a 9.2km). The bike ride are three loops of 50km, three major hills in the beautiful Swiss countryside. I enjoyed the bike ride a lot. Going up the infamous Bodenberg feels a bit like the Tour de France where people are cheering on both sides of the rode. I passed people up the hill and were passed going down. The most important goal for the bike ride was to execute my nutrition plan. I tried to eat and drink as much as I could. After 5hours:10min I was happy that I didn't get a flat or crash my bike and could finally run. Actually I was so excited that I passed the bike-in and went on a fourth loop but soon realized my mistake and had to go back.

The run (it's about 2,500 ft of elevation for the 18mi) starts with a big big uphill. I felt good after the bike determined that I could run the hill. It...

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Magnificent Minnesotans...


IRONMAN WISCONSIN XV - In the 15-year history of the race, who is the most successful amateur triathlete at IMOO?


Some may want to say East Gull Lake's  MICHELLE ANDRES, a two-time overall amateur champ and former women's CR holder, words that can also be used to describe Wisconsin's Ami Hutchinson.

We'd argue that IMOO's most successful amateur is Long Lake's JAN GUENTHER.

Here's why: In the inaugural IMOO in 2002 she was 42. She won the overall amateur crown and set a masters record that still stands. Her time was 10:24:42, amazing on a course that is now legendary for its challenge and scenery...

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Blaine & Square Lake Stuff...


Photo - Rockin' North Dakotans (L-R) - Lyn Beiswanger, Marnie Walth, Beverly Everett, Melanie Carvell, Megan Beam. Front - Lori Finken.


BLAINE TRIATHLON V - After her victory at the Apple Duathlon in 1998, Bismarck-based multisport pioneer MELANIE CARVELL told one of the MTN Guys that she was mentoring an unknown athlete named MARNIE WALTH. She claimed that Marnie was a special talent.

She was so right.

The next year (1999), Walth won the Apple Duathlon, and since then has won most of Minnesota's major races, e.g. Heart of the Lakes, Timberman, Lake Waconia, Gear West Du, Square Lake, Chisago Lakes Half, and in 2005 the North Dakotan was ranked 3rd on Team Minnesota.

Walth is 47 now and races infrequently in multisport events, but she tends to win, or at least podium, at those races. In 2015, she raced at the...

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15 Buffalo Wings & Gwen's Help...

mc_and_claire.pngBy Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)

Superior Man Race Report - First thing’s first, here’s an update on last Sunday’s St. Paul Triathlon… A little research was ....used to determine that I actually won the race.

So with 4 wins thisseason, I headed up to Duluth to seek out my 5th....

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