Race Coverage

Auf Weidershen, Mein Hip...

Amy_IMOO.pngED. Lots of records were rewritten this morning at the 5th annual BLAINE TRIATHLON. Words and pics on Sunday or Monday. RESULTS

JASON TOTH and TIFFANY KARI lead the way this morning at the 18th annual SQUARE LAKE TRIATHLONRESULTS


By Amy Bauch (amysrunningaround.blogspot.com)

Funny how things work out.  Or, don't.

Ironman Wisconsin, affectionately known as Imoo, is next week Sunday. One short year ago, I volunteered at Imoo so I could sign up to race it this year.  I also volunteered at Ironman Arizona last November and then signed up to do a second Ironman in 2016.

Even though I had finished Imoo in 2012 and 2014, Ironman became something I loved and found it very hard to give up.  It's not just the race or the training.  I've met wonderful people, spent some time training in beautiful places and really grew to enjoy challenging myself physically and mentally.

I also really love the Wisconsin course.  The bike course, while difficult because of many, many, and I mean MANY hills, takes you though some...

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"All in All, We Had a Fantastic Weekend"...

NATHAN_AND_JULIE.pngBy Nathan Ansbaugh (nathanansbaugh.blogspot.com)

Superior Man Race Report - Julie and I were thrilled to escape the Twin Cities/Residency this past weekend to get up to Duluth for what proved itself to be one of the coolest races I have ever done (or mostly done that is). We met up with Sean and Hanna at a little house we had rented for the weekend on Saturday night in preparation for an early launch from the deck of the Vista Fleet ship into Lake Superior. I was especially excited for Julie to have Superior Man be her first 70.3 distance race.

Personally, I had high hopes for the race knowing it was a deep field of stellar athletes including Sean and Matt Payne amongst several others but had been feeling pretty good over the past few weeks despite a ridiculous work schedule. The last time Sean, Matt, and I raced, we finished next to each other on the podium and I was hoping for a similar outcome in Duluth.

One big variable going into Sunday's race for me was a strained calf I had been struggling with over the past week. I was doing some intervals last week and ended up hobbling back a few miles from home after I got a...

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Omaha 2016 - My "A" Race...

christel_omaha.pngBy Christel Kippenhan (seecktri.wordpress.com)

1.5 km / 40 km / 10 km
So, this was it, the triathlon highlight of the year, my A-race for 2016.

Leading up to the race

The plan was for Neil King and I to make the 8-hour trip to Omaha together sometime on Wednesday before the race, spending Thursday and Friday to do course reconnaissance, taken advantage of the open swims to get familiar with the water and its temps, and to do some final workouts to somewhat get used to the Omaha weather. Then race on Saturday and support Craig Peterson in his race on Sunday, before heading back to Northern Minnesota.

Aber erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt.
(But, first it always goes differently, and second never as you expect) ...

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Holden & Haag Win Again...

lisa_and_sara.pngPhoto  - Lisa Lendway and Sara Conrad.

ST. CROIX VALLEY OLYMPIC TRIATHLON - DAVID HOLDEN and KORTNEY HAAG continued their winning ways last Saturday at the St. Croix Valley Olympic Triathlon. For Holden, it was his fifth SCV victory. For Haag, it was her fourth.

On paper, it appeared that David and Kort won easily, but it was only true in Haag's case. Holden was aided perhaps by the fact that eventual runner-up, WADE CRUSER, missed a turn which added a mile to two to the bike route. Still, it's impossible to say that David would not have won had Wade not zigged when he  should have zagged. Holden's lead coming out of the water was huge, the kind of margin that's hard to make up....

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68 Wins Between Them....

andrea_myers.pngHOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON -  BRETT LOVAAS and SUZIE FOX were the overall winners last Saturday at the 3rd annual Hopkins Royal Triathlon. Between them they have won at least 68 multisport races in their careers, Lovaas picking up W number 30, and Fox, number 38.

Fox, last year's female Triathlete of the Year, has struggled with injuries this year, which has forced her to significantly reduce her racing volume (she raced in 19 multis last year), but it hasn't prevented her from winning. She's been victorious in five of the six multis she's raced in in 2016.

Lovaas overtook early leader Philip English in the early miles of the bike leg, giving him a sufficient gap to hold off 2014 HPT champ Erick Hendrickson. English held on for 3rd.

Fox's closest challenger was Andrea Myers (photo L), who with Suzie, left the rest of the women's field behind on the bike. In the end, Andrea was only 1:33 behind Fox. More significantly, though, she was 4:19 in front of bronze medalist Sara Woeste...

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"It's Pretty Awesome!"

GWEN_GOLD.pngED. Ideal conditions greet satisfying attendances at HOPKINS ROYAL and ST. CROIX VALLEY this morning. Words and pics coming on Monday.

St. Croix RESULTS - Hopkins - RESULTS


By Gwen Jorgensen (gwenjorgensen.com)

Four years ago, I set a goal: to win the Rio Olympics. In 2012, Patrick and I asked Jamie if he thought winning gold was possible. He said, “You need to improve your swim, improve your bike, and probably run high 32 minutes.” Jamie was right about two out of the three (my 10km in the race was a 34 something). Jamie’s confidence in my ability to be an Olympic Champion didn’t come until London at the WTS in 2015. I was sick the week of the race. I was struggling to just get out of bed in the morning. I did efforts the day before the race and could barely breathe. My legs were heavy, my nose was stuffed, and the last thing I wanted to do was race. I was underprepared for the race and I wasn’t firing on all cylinders, but I came away with the win. It was the first time I proved I could perform under pressure....

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