Race Coverage

Last Season, This Season...

hankee-du-nats.gifMINNESOTA ROCKS!  - Nine Minnesotans were honored recently by USAT for their racing excellence in 2014. The next most decorated state was California (8), followed by Florida (7) and Colorado (7). New Jersey (6) rounded ou the Top 5. To recap, here are the honored Minnesotans:

Gwen Jorgensen - Elite ITU Racer of the Year

Ruth Brennan Morrey - Elite Duathlete of the Year

Dan Hedgecock - Elite Duathlete of the Year

Heather Lendway - Amateur Athlete of the Year

Matthew Payne - Amateur Duathlete of the Year & Athlete of the Year HM

Patrick Parish - Elite Duathlete of the Year HM

Diane Hankee - Duathlete of the Year HM (YndeCam Photo L)

Tony Schiller - Master of the Year HM

Kevin O'Connor - Master Duathlete of the Year HM

HEATHER'S DEBUT - Heather Lendway's pro debut was yesterday in the Orlando suburb of Clermont. Lendway placed 10th at the draft-legal CAMTRI-Clermont Sprint. She will be blogging about the experience soon and MTN will repost. Stay tuned for that. RESULTS ....(More Stuff on Page 2)

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Broken Reverse Aquathlon...

heather-lashes.gifPhoto - This pic is unrelated to this post. It's here because we think it's cool, and because it makes Heather look like a nun.

By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

This past Saturday (Jan. 24 I raced the 10K at the Securian Winter Run in downtown St. Paul. As it’s about time to start gearing up the training for the season it was a good opportunity to see where my run performance is at. I had raced the half marathon twice in the past; both times it was near zero degree temps. I was overjoyed when the temperatures for Saturday were predicted to be in the low 30’s with no snow, so the roads would be clear and my muscles and breathing wouldn’t be affected by ridiculous cold. Saturday was beautiful, mid 30’s and sunny; I actually think I got a little tan on my face, no complaints! The half marathon went off at 9am and the 10K group followed five minutes later. The course starts winding you up and down through downtown St. Paul for two miles, then the course heads down to the river for a few miles with the last mile weaving you back through downtown to the finish line....

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Cutting Them Some Slack...

jess-Finish-line.gifBy Jessica Rossing

La Habana Triathlon race report.

It’s late Friday night, the night before the race, and I am lying in bed happy and full from a great gourmet meal that only cost $25. (Most things are very inexpensive in Cuba) My race bag is packed and I am visualizing each part of the race as I fall asleep. I wake up around 8a to an overcast and very humid morning. It’s been predicted to rain all day, but I’m optimistic and have a good feeling the rain is going to hold off and it’s going to be a perfect day to race. My house host (Matilde) lets us know that breakfast is ready so three other American athletes and myself sit down to eat. We are served lots of fruit, a smoothie, veggies, and an omelette. Once we finish eating we get our things together, get our bikes and start our ride to the race site.

The race site is about 12K from Casa Matilde’s and we have to ride through the city and lots of traffic to get to the venue. Within 10 minutes of our ride I am sweating, the air is so thick, you can feel the storm coming. It feels like at any moment the humidity is going to break and the storm is going to unleash. But, I am still optimistic that it’ll hold out untill we are done racing....

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Whip Cream Hand-Ups & Confused Legs...

lisa-coffee.gifBy Lisa Lendway

I have a problem. I’m absolutely addicted to competition, and I think it’s at its worst. Usually at the end of the triathlon season, I’m ready for a little break, but this year was different. I immediately started thinking about the 2015 season and anxiously waited for the local races to finalize their race weekends. My schedule for the year has been more or less set since November. And, I have to say, the main reason I get so excited to compete is because of all of the great people who are there with me. Yep, that’s all of you. So, thanks for fueling my fire.

So, what to do until the season starts … I did give myself a little break from triathlon. I dabbled in cyclocross racing, which was more than a little fun. If you don’t know what it is, google it. I mean, where else can you get whip cream hand-ups (Photo below) in a race, right? You might even spot World Champion Triathlete Gwen Jorgensen at some races! I also did my first half marathon. I made a deal with my body that I’d do that before doing a half Ironman. It was weird to do just a running race. I think my legs were a little confused about not feeling like jelly for the first mile. But I finished and I LIKED it! I plan to do at least one more running race this winter.

For the first time ever, I’ve also participated in some indoor triathlons. After competing at the YWCA Women’s Tri this summer, I was excited to participate in another event run by Nicole Cueno. So, I signed up for the YWCA indoor tri in December. As expected, it was well-run and loads of fun. The weirdest part was riding on the Keiser bikes, where the miles rack up faster the faster you spin. So, I think I covered “12 miles” in roughly 18...

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Love For Y Tris...

amy-liberty.gifPhoto - This awesome pic of Amy was taken at Liberty back in 2010.

By Amy Bauch (amysrunningaround.blogspot.com)

YWCA INDOOR TRI #2 - RACE REPORT - I'm a little partial to indoor triathlons.  After all, that is how I got in to the sport, way back in February of 2005.  I entered a race called Tri U Mah, hosted by the University of Minnesota Rec Center.  The event consists of a 30 minute pool swim, 30 minute stationary bike ride and 30 minute run on a treadmill.  Winners are determined by the distance covered.

I remember the day of the tri was freezing cold.  Warren came with me to cheer me on; my friend, Marcia Lee, volunteered for the swim portion and was my lap counter.

I remember being so nervous about the race.  What would happen if I couldn't actually swim a full 30 minutes?  (Being a newbie swimmer, this was a very real possibility).   What would happen if I had to WALK on the treadmill?  Would people laugh?  Would people be able to tell that I really wasn't a triathlete, but really only a triawannabe?  Would they banish me from the kingdom?  Could I ever again hold my head up high while wearing tri shorts and a snazzy tri top?  ...

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Sometimes Acronyms Are Our Friends...


DLCCC Indoor Triathlon - Sometimes acronyms are confusing, especially for those of us who are behind the social media curve. Not all of those OMGy and LOLy acronyms are intuitive, though "WTF" certainly is.

Do you know all of the acronyms pertaining to learning disabilities and developmental and personality disorders? Neither do we.

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