Race Coverage

"It Doesn't Seem Real"...

Gwen-trophy.gifBy Gwen Jorgensen (gwenjorgensen.com - September 9, 2014)

World Champion. It all just doesn’t seem real. I feel like I am living in my own fantasy world and it’s awesome! I don’t know where to start to explain my journey and thoughts on winning the 2014 ITU Championship.   

Leading up to the Edmonton WTS Grand Final, I wasn’t my normal, driven self. I was still getting up every day and getting the work done, but since the Chicago WTS, my motivation wasn’t the same. I wanted to finish the season with a bang, but my bed was looking better and better every day. I had no excuse, as the weather was nice and my training was going well (besides a few really bad swimming sessions). But it had been a season full of long haul travel, emotions, work, and sweat and it was all catching up with me.

When we arrived in Edmonton, I was impressed with the atmosphere and promotion of the race. Everywhere I looked I saw signs for the triathlon: “This is going to be EPIC.” I loved it! However, ...

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"You Gotta Want It"...

MA-and-Hubby.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com - Oct. 12)

You gotta want it…
Interesting day…a learning day…a day I have no regrets about and one I will always remember.  

One year ago, October 12th, 2013 I was running down the Queen K with a pain in my leg so intense that at one point I just didn’t feel it anymore.  I never once, for not even a second, thought about stopping or even walking.  Every part of my being wanted to run down Ali Drive and cross the finish line.  It was my dream and something I thought about every single day in training.

Now, exactly 365 days later I’m running through the streets of Chicago with a similar pain and some foot pain along with it…nothing like a year ago…but they were both singing to me from the word “go”.  At mile one I knew the finish ...

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Impatience and an XL cap...

coz-2014.gifBy Nicole Heininger

Ironman Cozumel Race Report - Part I -  To start, I never planned to race an Ironman nor make racing part of my life. I originally completed a triathlon to challenge myself. One and done. Years later my rookie season, friends were talking me into signing up for a half IM and I was terrified. This would prove to be my biggest challenge yet and I wasn't sure I was quite ready for it. I knew I would complete the task at hand but I wasn't going to do it half-a$$ed. When I set my mind to something I do it wholeheartedly, therefore, going through the motions was not enough for me, I was going to commit and be all in. So why was I so scared? I had only raced several triathlons, I mean I barely knew how to transition....

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Breaking 11...


Photo - Underwear models Pam Nielsen, Nick Morales and Suzie Fox. Pammy and Suze broke 11-hours in their first Ironman attempt. Nick, who is totaly sucking-in his stomach, did not.

2013 Rookie of the Year Nicole Heininger did her second IM last weekend in Cozumel--Heiney’s race report will post in a few days-- and many, including herself, believed she would achieve her goal of breaking 11-hours. Things didn’t go as planned, as they often don’t in 140+ mile races, and Nicole will have to wait until next fall (IMOO) to take another stab at her goal. We totally believe that “3” will be her lucky number.

Breaking 11-hours is a Herculean deal and, according to our records, only four Minnesota women have managed to do that on their first attempt. They are:

PAM NIELSEN – 10:37:38 – IM AZ ‘08

SUZIE FOX – 10:38:43 – IMOO ’12 (6th amateur / 1st AG)

KORTNEY HAAG – 10:49:46 – IMOO ’12 (PR – 10:47 – IMOO ’13)

ANGIE SCHMIDT –10:54:42 – IM AZ ‘08...

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A "Gutsy" Performance...

FINISH.gifBy Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

IRONMAN ARIZONA RACE REPORT - Here’s the unabridged version:

I had such a great build and prep for this race. In hindsight, likely too perfect and I just didn’t develop that nervousness that usually gets all my systems revved up and ready for race day (including my gut)!! I was simply so happy and at peace with the blessings around me, but in reality, this is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.

The days leading up to the race felt relatively smooth, everything was on plan and I remained confident that I was well prepared for the race. No anxiety or nervousness, just eager to finally get out there and see what the day had in store. I typically don’t share race goals so publicly before an event, but this time I felt ready and was simply too excited to hold it in. Maybe Mother Nature didn’t appreciate those athletes confidently announcing their target times, and as a result she greeted us with her mighty blow on race day.  As I announced in my previous post, I was...

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Minnesotans Tackle Ironman Arizona...Updated..Updated Again...

AZ-swim-start.gifIRONMAN ARIZONA -

Monday -

- CATHY YNDESTAD - 4th female amateur overall - 2nd 35-39W - 56:24-5:21:29-3:42:39 - 10:05:52

- STEPHANIE PETERSON - 1:15:16 - 6:27:08 - 4:06:20 - 11:59:43

- SCOTT HEDIN - 1:35:20 - 7:46:06 - 6:38:37 - 16:14:45

4:15 PM (MST) - While CY did not achieve her goal of breaking 10-hours, she came dang close. MTN congratulates her on her 10:05:52, which lowered her 2007 PR (Florida) by seven minutes.

Ultimately, Cathy placed 3rd overall among the amateur women, with Chicago's Amanda Wendorff prevailing in 9:59:34, and 52-year-old former Olympic marathoner Colleen De Reuck of Boulder, Colorado. We believe that the RSA transplant's 10:04:45 is the fastest IM time ever by a 50-plusser.

1:00 PM - Yndestad and Wendorff come off the bike together. Two miles into the run Wendorff pulls ahead, but not by much. Here's the breakdown so far: CY - S - 56:24 - B - 5:21:27 / Wendorff - S - 59:02 - B- 5:19:06.


11:40 AM (MST) - As expected, CY is being challenged by fellow Midwesterner Amanda Wendorff (Chicago). These women are evenly matched at long distance. Cathy's lead at 90 miles is about 40-seconds. Wendorff is highly motivated after her DNF at Kona. She is also a strong runner....

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