Race Previews
Is The Equalizer Back?
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 02:45
By Darin Wieneke
The rumor on the street is that the EQUALIZER format will be back for the professional race at this year
Scotty's Quest...
Sunday, 10 April 2011 03:00
ED. - We recently received this letter from Scott Penticoff, who is one of the coolest and most admirable people we know. He is also a total philanthropist. Or as the great and powerful Wizard of Oz himself would say:
The Athlete in Her Roared Back...
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 05:00
ED. - The 27th edition of the Morris Tinman, the first outdoor tri on the Minnesota calendar, is only a few weeks away. April 30, to be exact. Have you signed up yet?
On a recent visit to the event's WEBSITE, we came across a story that was too darn cool not to share. It's about a totally awesome woman named Megan Webster, who is pictured here with Colin Stemper, one of her three sons.
Posted by Chris Butler, UMM sports information director on Thursday, Apr. 29, 2010
Under gray and windy skies, Megan Webster of Richfield, finished the 2010 Tinman Triathlon in 2 hours, 19 minutes and 46 seconds.
It is, perhaps, not extraordinary that she won the female division with her time....
Sumptuous Repasts...
Tuesday, 05 April 2011 02:00
By Darin Wieneke
The Zagat guide has been called
A Letter From Dave...
Monday, 04 April 2011 03:00
ED. Yesterday Brad Pickle (Pickle Events) and I received a heartbreaking letter from Green Lake Du & Tri founder/director Dave Baker.
Jerry and Brad:
Some news from Dave
Great New Site...
Tuesday, 22 March 2011 05:10
(Photo - Julia Weisbecker and Matt Payne with their 2010 Fastest State Team--3rd place--awards.)
In January 2005 MTN partner Trudy Marshall had an idea. She wanted to create a 50-state triathlon series, the amateur winners of each receiving invitations to compete head-to-head at a season-ending Championship race. Participants were scored both individually and as state teams. The series would be called the Best of the US Amateur Triathete Competition and the Championship was billed as the most competitive head-to-head amateur event in the US....