Race Coverage

Epic in Oregon...

lewica-family.gifBy Amy Lewica (Lewicafamily.weebly.com)

Leadman Epic 250 - Bend Race Report - In order to do this race report justice I think I have to go back to why I wanted to do this race in the first place.  I was searching for a challenge…but something I enjoyed doing.  I ran a terrible half marathon on little training last year and ended up wanting/needing something else.  A friend told me about Leadman…perfect race for me…according to him….long swim, long bike, and relatively short run.  I toyed with the idea for a couple of months.  I then talked to me husband and each of my kids separately and they all said to go for it! ...

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Collecting Mugs...

cups.gifBy Heather lendway (heatherlendway.com)

SQUARE LAKE RACE REPORT - I was looking forward to racing at Square Lake all year. It’s the only race I have been able to do all three seasons I’ve competed and it’s fun to see the improvement. Square Lake was also my first amateur overall win so it will always be a special race for me.

My first year racing at Square Lake was tough; the course is awesome but challenging. For T1 you have to run up a long set of wooden steps to get to the transition area. Then the bike and run course both have some pretty big climbs that are sure to make your legs burn.

Having just returned from Edmonton three days prior, I slept in a little more than usual and got to the race as the sun was coming up. It was a chilly morning but the air was warming up nicely. I got my bike setup in transition and headed out for a short bike and run warm-up. With about ten minutes to go I got in my wetsuit and jumped in the lake for a brief swim warm-up....

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Serreyn Wins SD's First Half IM...

kyle-sd.gifFrom SDTriNews.com

Rugged beauty takes some effort to see.

The few brave souls who endured the challenging conditions of the inaugural Wildlife Loop Triathlon, and incidentally the first half-ironman in South Dakota, received such a reward, along with the genuine sense of satisfaction that comes from completing what we believe is South Dakota’s most arduous race venue.

Eighteen individuals and three teams dared mother nature to get the best of them on Sunday, September 14. Four days earlier the venue at Stockade Lake in Custer State Park was covered with snow. But on race morning participants found nary a snowflake nearby. Still, temperatures which ranged from 29 degrees at race start to low 40s at the end of the day gave participants...

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A Lot on the Line...

usat-nationals-nate.gifFall Classic Duathlon - Last weekend's races promised to have a profound effect on the MMA nomination process, and they did just that. At the 9th annual FCD on Saturday at Lake Elmo Park Reserve, a locale that seems to have been designed with run-bike-run in mind, at least five athletes were in a position to strengthen their chances to receive award nominations. Nate Hoffman (photo), Joe Johnson, Jenn Scudiero and Jas Carlson were already receiving DOY consideration, and it appeared that one of them would be selected to join the three other nominees that had been selected earlier. (Offical DOY nominees will be announced on MTN later this week.) Additionally, Hank Larsen, 73, needed an effort that approximated the divisional CR he set at the Oakdale Du in May to, perhaps, garner his third career Grand Master of the Year nomination.

So, who would nail down the final DOY nomination?

For Nate to be the one, he had to win the men's race in an impressive time. For Johnson, he had to win and his margin over Nate had to be convincing. Jenn needed a victory and her time needed to be in the 1:10-1:11 range, AND the men's winning time had to be slower than the race record. Jas needed to CRUSH Scudiero AND for someone other than Hoffman or Johnson to win the men's race....

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Drama & Kickstands...

gaby-kris-finger.gif(Photo - Dessert enthusiasts, Gaby Bunten and Kris Spoth, both of whom totally rocked at OLT, and a guy's finger.)

9th Annual ONE LAST TRI - Sunday's OLT was more competitive than in any of its previous eighth editions, and it was arguably more thrilling than ever.

Race morning was gorgeous, crisp and sunny, and the transition area was filled with approximately 300 athletes. The mood was celebratory, albeit with a hint of sadness. OLT is, after, the final tri on the '14 Minnesota calendar and many were doubtlessly reflecting on the great season that would end when they crossed the finish line.

Some of the athletes sported $10,000 worth of gear, others brought stuff that totalled less than 100 bucks, including bike and shoes. If the event had featured a "Kickstand" division, at least a dozen participants would have vied for awards. To us, everyone was a rockstar, but the kickstanders were the rockiest and the starriest of all....

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Tears & Pera-Smiles...

Suzie-bike.gifNOTE:  Voting for Triathletes Choice Race of the Year will start tomorrow (Tuesday, September 16) on MTN.

By Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Ironman Wisconsin you do not disappoint! I love this city! I love this race! I love my family! No other triathlon has ever made me emotional, I cried 3 times in 2012 and 7 times yesterday, I am a total sap at this venue, this race moves me! I can't begin to thank everyone who cheered for me out there and supported me from afar! The amazing MN tri community that was out racing, volunteering, and spectating at IMOO made it once again feel like way more of a hometown race then any race back home, thanks for making Madison such special place for me! Wisconsin is the only IM that has ever given me an Ironman high & a 3 day post race pera-smile. I know now that it has nothing to do with my finish time, setting a PR or reaching my goals, this was actually my 2nd slowest Ironman ever and I was 0 - 2 on my goals but still it was my most favorite Ironman of the 4 I've done. The high comes from all the...

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